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La Mudadora12

“La Mudadora” is a group of artists performing interventions in transitional spaces, in between moving procedures. Number 12 tooks part in a private house in Palermo, a neighborhood of Buenos Aires.

Catastrophic changes (Sandra Pauli)

is a psychological concept of Bion which was translated by the owner of this house from English into Spanish. The performance moves between this concept, the lists of accountancy that belong to the qwner and the grief of her grandson. Performer: Sebastian Rey, text: Sandra Pauli, voice: Andrea Fasani, audio edition: Claudia Toro, concept: Sandra Pauli

00:00 / 04:58

Permanencia (Andrea Fasani)

Using two holes in a wall in the living-room, the performer is lying on the floor, immobile, embracing the wall. 


Infancia (Claudia Toro):

Light-and objectal installation in the living-room. Projecting slides from the childhood of the grandsons within a installation of everyday-live-objects.


Tríalogo (Sonia Neuburger):

A multisensorial installation in the bathroom, based on an never published text of Elizabeth Tabak, the former owner of the house. Establishing a conection between the text and the architecture we get in a third dimension of the text investigating his sensoriality.

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